Fundamento 2021-03-10T11:34:17-03:00 Prof. Dr. Gabriel Geller Xavier Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">ISSN: 2763-8545<br>Periódico de pesquisa em filosofia criada por alunos e professores do Departamento de Filosofia cujo objetivo é a publicação de artigos, resenhas e traduções em Filosofia.<br>Publicação do Departamento de Filosofia (DEFIL) do Instituto de Filosofia Artes e Cultura (IFAC) da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP).<br>Periodicidade semestral.</p> Expediente da edição 2021-03-09T21:36:15-03:00 Gabriel Geller Xavier Guilherme Domingues da Motta 2021-03-09T21:24:06-03:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Fundamento Uma teoria platônica do amor? 2021-03-09T21:36:15-03:00 Bernardo Brandão <p>There are two major paradigms in the interpretation of ancient philosophers: the analytical and the structural. Despite their particularities, they agree that philosophy is mainly a matter of theses, arguments and discourse, which leads them to ignore extra-discursive aspects of the texts. But if ancient philosophy is also, as Pierre Hadot pointed out, a way of life, this type of reading will have its limitations. I try here to consider these limitations with a discussion of Gregory Vlastos' thesis that there would be, in the Symposium (and other dialogues), a platonic theory of love, arguing that this dialogue is not a treatise on love, but a proteptic text about philosophy and the role that love has in its journey.</p> 2021-03-09T21:25:46-03:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Fundamento Razão de Estado e liberalismo em Michel Foucault 2021-03-09T21:36:16-03:00 Gabriel Pereira Gioppo Cezar Maxwel do Prado <p><strong>Abstract</strong>: The object of this article is Michel Foucault’s project of a history of the governmentalities as exposed in two of his Collège de France lectures: <em>Security, territory, population</em> (1978) and <em>The birth of biopolitics</em> (1979). It is about following Foucault’s genealogy of two governmental rationalities – reason of state and liberalism – under a prism that, on one side, focuses on the criticism of the centrality of the state in Political Philosophy’s discourse and, on the other, highlights the way in which the different techniques of government tend to phagocytize, answering to specific problems, the resistances which oppose them, continually reconfiguring themselves in this process. For this are analyzed the central axes of these two arts of government, as well as the reasons which conditioned the passage from one to another.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Foucault, history, governmentality, reason of state, liberalism, power.</p> 2021-03-09T21:27:02-03:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Fundamento Uma crítica aos parâmetros do local público e da pessoa famosa para a ponderação entre o direito à imagem e a liberdade de informação 2021-03-10T11:34:17-03:00 Luiz Augusto Castello Branco <p>The text aims to critically revisit the weighting parameters of the public place and the famous person, usually used by doctrine and jurisprudence when the collision between the fundamental rights of image and freedom of information. After pointing out the inadequacy of such criteria, the paper intends to investigate whether the criteria proposed by the liberal communitarian Amitai Etzioni to "balance" public and private interests can provide safe and adequate standards to the Brazilian order.</p> 2021-03-09T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Fundamento Liberdade, vingança e dignidade nas punições 2021-03-09T21:36:16-03:00 Marco Antônio Souza Monteiro <p>Through collations between Immanuel Kant’s and Friedrich Hegel’s theories of punishment, a comparison essay was carried out on the view of both authors on the subject. This analysis was made from aspects considered relevant, namely, freedom in the concept of crime, the influence of revenge on punishment and the need to respect the criminal's dignity. In the final considerations, the similarities and differences found around the concepts analyzed in both theories were evidenced.</p> 2021-03-09T21:32:40-03:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Fundamento