The environmental changes arising from the social isolation and the pandemic of Covid-19

  • Juliana Fernandes Couto Universidade federal de Ouro Preto
  • Beatriz Saralha Friguetto
  • Bruno Henrique Borges
  • Carolina Gontijo Bernardes Silva
  • Rafaella de Araújo Neves
  • Thalita Rafaela Silva Gusmão
  • Vanessa da Silva Reis Assis
  • Adivane Teresinha Costa
Keywords: COVID-19, social isolation, atmospheric pollution, water


By the end of 2019 in Wuhan, China, there were the first infected with coronavirus, and quickly the disease spread throughout the world. In the absence of an effective medicine or vaccine, social isolation and recurrent hand washing were adopted as protective measures against COVID-19. The present study, based on bibliographic reviews, corroborates that social isolation directly affected the reduction in global air pollution. In Wuhan, gases such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2) dropped by 22.8 μg/m3 and 12.9 μg/m3 in China. In India, nitrogen dioxide (NO2) has dropped its concentration 40-50%. In the United States, the compost decreased 26% in urban areas and 16.5% in rural areas. In regions at the epicenter of the virus, such as Spain, France, the United States and China, there was a 30% reduction in the compound. In Brazil, there was a 34-68% drop in nitrogen oxides (NOx) during the days of social isolation. Other benefits were the reduction of waste in coastal environments and reduced noise level. However, in Europe and China the O3 emission rate has increased as a result of the reduction in nitrogen dioxide (NO2). In relation to water, a fundamental element in the oppose against the virus, in regions such as Lake Vembanad, India, there was an improvement in the quality of surface water. In Brazil, the reality is a little different, since almost 35 million Brazilians do not have access to the treated water supply, and therefore it is even more difficult to take preventive measures against COVID-19.


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How to Cite
Couto, J. F., Saralha Friguetto, B., Henrique Borges, B., Gontijo Bernardes Silva, C., de Araújo Neves, R., Rafaela Silva Gusmão, T., da Silva Reis Assis, V., & Teresinha Costa, A. (2021). The environmental changes arising from the social isolation and the pandemic of Covid-19. Além Dos Muros Da Universidade, 6(1), 12-22. Retrieved from