The experience of developing an extension course by Spanish language undergraduates

  • Arlindo Júnior Corrêa
  • Isabella Loubach Vaz
  • Thalita Gabrielle Ferreira
  • Joziane Ferraz de Assis
Keywords: LICENA, Spanish language, Teacher training, Interdisciplinarity


In this article we present the results of the extension course El movimiento girasol. Curso de introducción a la lengua española, held at the Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV). The general goal of the course was to present the Spanish language to the students of the Licenciatura em Educação do Campo (LICENA). The methodology of the study was based on theoretical studies on teacher training, Field Education and interdisciplinarity. It was also based on defining logistical issues of the course, such as the dynamics of organization of participants and scholarship holders in the two classes formed, as well as the hours and availability of schedules for its completion, and the planning and execution of the course. The results of the work showed that the goal was achieved and the contextualization of the course to the countryside was also pointed out as positive, which facilitated dialogue and learning and promoted the exchange of experiences between students of Letters and LICENA; the thematic option for Latin American identity and the methodological approach used, which included discussions and group work.


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How to Cite
Corrêa, A. J., Vaz, I. L., Ferreira, T. G., & Assis, J. F. de. (2021). The experience of developing an extension course by Spanish language undergraduates. Além Dos Muros Da Universidade, 6(2), 25-35. Retrieved from