The The presence of technology in the National Curriculum Parameters of Secondary Education (PCN) and in the PCN + from the Science, Technology and Society point of view

  • Bruna Maciel Ramos Instituto Federal do Paraná
  • Alysson Ramos Artuso
Keywords: STS, technology, foreign language, Secondary School


The article is a theoretical discussion from the point of view of Science, Technology and Society studies (STS) on the National Curriculum Parameters of the Secondary School (PCN), published in 2000, and its extension, the PCN + of 2002. The objective is to investigate how technology is presented in both documents, with a special focus on modern foreign languages. For this, we present a non-neutrality view of technology from the analysis of the PCN documents, also discussing how the relationship with the STS triad occurs in both documents. Finally, it is concluded that there is an emphasis on new technologies in PCNs and that there is also a dialogue with STS, which is presented in a different way in the two analyzed documents


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How to Cite
Ramos, B. M., & Artuso, A. R. (2021). The The presence of technology in the National Curriculum Parameters of Secondary Education (PCN) and in the PCN + from the Science, Technology and Society point of view. Além Dos Muros Da Universidade, 6(2), 36-43. Retrieved from