Teaching experiences about sex education and teacher training:

the report of a Basic Education teacher

  • Lucinea Pereira UFOP
Keywords: Basic Education, Sexuality, Teacher training


The sexuality theme is inserted in teaching practice as an inseparable sphere from curricular deliberations or determinations, since it is part of the human experience and inevitably permeates the pedagogical field. Understanding how questions about sexuality permeate teaching and tehe school environment beyond the established content proves to be a fertile field for the construction of new knowledge about teaching. In the present study conducted a narrative interview, in a virtual way through audio recording, whose participant was a teacher of Basic Education from the state netwok of the Municipality of Conselheiro Lafaiete. Among the considerations, I point out the pedagogical and political-social difficulties that generate lack of information and insecurity to work on the theme of sexuality in the classroom, as reported in the teaching narrative carried out. I also highligt the curricular restrictions that establish a normative order designating terms that cannot be used in the classroom.


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How to Cite
Pereira, L. (2022). Teaching experiences about sex education and teacher training: : the report of a Basic Education teacher. Além Dos Muros Da Universidade, 7(2), 10-17. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufop.br/alemur/article/view/5463
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