Work in hosting facilities: between pleasure and suffering

  • Mariana Ramos de Almeida Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
  • Julia Rodrigues Souza Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
  • Kerley dos Santos Alves Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
Keywords: Work, Hospitality, Pleasure, Suffering, Experiences


This study will investigate the pleasure and suffering experiences of hospitality workers, exploring the different dimensions of the work context, including work organization, conditions and relationships. Based on the psychodynamic theory of work, which analyzes the psychological and emotional dynamics in the workplace, a quiz with several questions was made for the interns and employees, along with bibliographical reading. The given results through the quiz and the literature review allowed a comprehensive vision of the daily work and the workes living in hospitality, which were important to reflect on the implications of pleasure and suffering in the workplace and to promote worker’s health and well-being actions. Besides that, this study contributed for a wider understandment of the pleasure and suffering experiences. In conclusion, it is important that companies in this sector adopt health and well-being policies that consider the different dimensions of the work context, focusing on risk prevention and on promoting a healthy and safe workplace.


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How to Cite
Almeida, M. R. de, Julia Rodrigues Souza, & Kerley dos Santos Alves. (2023). Work in hosting facilities: between pleasure and suffering. Além Dos Muros Da Universidade, 8(2), 101-114. Retrieved from