The valorization of the protagonism of the black community in History Education: teaching experience in the Pedagogical Residency Program

  • Luana da Silva Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
Keywords: Pedagogical residency, Teaching experience, Anti-racist education, History teaching


This report is based on the experience as a teaching resident in History in Elementary Education and on the reflection between theory and practice in the classroom regarding the fight against racial discrimination through the teaching of History. The article intends to expose the development of the intervention proposal inserted in a set of observations carried out in the school, as well as in readings that were carried out and notes prepared during the general meeting with the preceptor teacher of the Pedagogical Residency Program-CAPES, coordinators and other residents. During the suggested activity, it was possible to verify that the students were interacting with it, making it possible to hold discussions about racism, discrimination, historical erasure/silencing and the whitening of the history of black people. Furthermore, it was possible to notice their change in relation to looking at the history of black people, achieving the objectives of the activity. Furthermore, an education that starts from pedagogical practices of resistance and politics that problematize the student's reality becomes an important political tool in the process of social transformation.


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How to Cite
da Silva, L. (2023). The valorization of the protagonism of the black community in History Education: teaching experience in the Pedagogical Residency Program. Além Dos Muros Da Universidade, 9(1), 01-09. Retrieved from
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