Combating labor vulnerability: an attempt to minimize the effects of the pandemic

  • Kerley dos Santos Alves
  • Vera Lúcia de Miranda Guarda
  • Rosangela Maria Ferreira da Costa e Silva
  • Walison Arthuso Vasconcellos
  • Adivane Terezinha Costa
  • Ana Letícia Pilz de Castro
  • Ângela Leão Andrade Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
Keywords: Extension, Search, Courses, Interinstitutional notice, COVID-19 pandemic


To prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus, the entire world adopted measures to close businesses, resulting in a high unemployment rate. Based on this, members of the UNESCO Chair Core: Water, Women, and Development, professors from UFOP, UFMG, and the professional master's program in Sustainability proposed this extension action project to promote income generation, improve quality of life, and provide professional specialization for individuals in socio-economic vulnerability. To achieve this, remote extension courses were offered. The courses included: (i) Soap and hygiene product manufacturing; (ii) Environment; (iii) Health care applied to the Covid-19 pandemic; (iv) Training for informal workers; and (v) Project Development. In this article, based on student responses, an analysis was conducted to understand their perceptions of the offered courses. It was observed that many people enrolled with the belief that remote courses are for those who do not have time. Additionally, the issue of limited internet access was noted, and, most importantly, it was recognized that teachers have the capacity to positively influence people's lives by addressing relevant topics with a scientific foundation in easily understandable language. This approach aims to, even remotely, enhance the quality of life for the population.


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How to Cite
Alves, K. dos S., Guarda, V. L. de M., Costa e Silva, R. M. F. da, Vasconcellos, W. A., Costa, A. T., Castro, A. L. P. de, & Andrade, Ângela L. (2023). Combating labor vulnerability: an attempt to minimize the effects of the pandemic. Além Dos Muros Da Universidade, 9(1), 10-20. Retrieved from
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