The use of photographic records as a pedagogical tool for teaching the classification of fungic groups

  • Karoline de Sousa Laranjeira UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO MARANHÃO - UFMA
  • Antonio Neres Oliveira UFMA
  • Nertan Dias Silva Maia UERJ
  • Michelle Alves de Carvalho UEMA
Keywords: Kingdom Fungi, Photographic record, Scientific dissemination, Educational tool, Experience report


In this work, the authors address the importance of Mycology, the Science of fungi, in School education. Highlighting how fungal photography can be a valuable tool for exploring and documenting fungal biodiversity in local environments, promoting practical understanding of microbial diversity. Furthermore, the photographic recording activity involved students in practical research, encouraging observation and visual analysis skills. The study also emphasizes environmental awareness by disseminating student’s discoveries on social networks, encouraging discussions about the conservation of fungi and their role in maintaining environmental balance. The results showed a high rate of student participation in the activity, suggesting a reasonable level of engagement. However, there was variation in the participation rate between the two classes, with one class demonstrating a higher level of engagement than the other. This may be related to interest in the subject, student workload and other factors. Overall, the study highlights the importance of practical and engaging approaches in science education to promote meaningful learning and awaken student’s sensitivity to the details of the natural environment.


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How to Cite
de Sousa Laranjeira, K., Oliveira, A. N., Maia, N. D. S., & Carvalho, M. A. de. (2024). The use of photographic records as a pedagogical tool for teaching the classification of fungic groups. Além Dos Muros Da Universidade, 9(1), 29-36. Retrieved from
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