Mental health in and out of schools: Reception, care and training for educators in Antônio Pereira, Ouro Preto- MG

  • Marta Maria Neves Corrêa FAPEMG
  • Emily de Souza Ferreira
  • Thales Lopes da Silva
  • Adriana Maria de Figueiredo
  • Amanda Roberta Corado
  • Thainá Cristina Gonçalves Aguiar
  • Siomara Aparecida Silva
  • Érica Aparecida Coelho
  • Irisa Seabra dos Reis
  • Jacyra Aparecida Meirelles Rosa
  • Rosângela Minardi Mitre Cotta
  • Aisllan Diego de Assis
Keywords: Mental health and education, Conversation circles, Care and reception, Formation of the school community


This article reports how the project “Mental Health in Schools and Outside” was implemented and developed in the district of Antônio Pereira, Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais. The project is linked to the extension and research program “Hand in Hand with Antônio Pereira”, a program promoted by UFOP, IFMG. UFV and FAPEMIG. The objectives of the project are to hold conversation circles in school institutions promoting care, reception and training for educators and school professionals; identify specific demands of each school for the construction and implementation of the extension and mental health course in schools and outside them and develop and prepare the mental health manual in and outside them to train professionals in the school community. The project held conversation circles in all schools in the district, providing welcome, listening, sharing, attention and knowledge, emerging emotions and feelings based on the listening and reports of the participants. The conversation circles helped to mediate conflicts, strengthen bonds, promoting integration between professionals, students, parents, guardians and the entire school community. Through them, it was possible to prepare the manual and course Mental Health in Schools and beyond for all educators in Antônio Pereira.


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How to Cite
Neves Corrêa, M. M., Souza Ferreira , E. de, Silva, T. L. da, Figueiredo, A. M. de, Corado, A. R., Gonçalves Aguiar, T. C., Silva, S. A., Coelho, Érica A., Seabra dos Reis, I., Meirelles Rosa, J. A., Minardi Mitre Cotta, R., & Assis, A. D. de. (2024). Mental health in and out of schools: Reception, care and training for educators in Antônio Pereira, Ouro Preto- MG. Além Dos Muros Da Universidade, 9(2), 99-113. Retrieved from