Vida e obra entrelaçadas na constituição patrimonial

Salomão de Vasconcellos e a escrita da história

  • Pollianna Gerçossimo Vieira Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
Keywords: Historiographical writing, Heritage, Family


Salomão de Vasconcellos (1877-1965) is known for studies and discussions on the history of Minas Gerais, his works are so important for the mineira’s historical production. He was representative of SPHAN, today, IPHAN, and had, in IHGMG important role in tipping the town of Mariana in National Monument. This article purpose study, through the historiographical writing of Vasconcellos, how he mobilized the past for a construction the marianense’s heritage based on the political events, art and religion, contributing therefore for his own family history.
