Os sindicatos corporativistas no Brasil entre os anos de 1934 e 1939

  • Pedro Paulo Lima Barbosa Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP/Campus de Assis)
Keywords: Vargas’ Age (1934-1939), Corporatism, Trade Unions


In this paper, our purpose is to discuss the effectiveness of a type of corporate union created by Vargas State between 1934 and 1939. As primary sources, we used the articles extracted from the Work section of the Ministry of Labor, Industry and Commerce Bulletin. While privileged sources, we found the formulation of a labor speech which had been implemented in the country by a corporatist doctrine. Thus, the employees ‘unions took an important role in the consolidation of Vargas’ labor: while it dynamized the national economy, corporatism attempted to keep Brazilian workers away from more radical left-wings movements.
