Miguilim go to the cinema

  • Elzira Divina Perpétua
  • Anita Leandro
Keywords: Memory, Guimarães Rosa, Mutum, Campo Geral


Some observations about the filmography of the work of Guimarães Rosa led us to the assumption that Rosean language contains a sound and visual capability laying nearby between writing and cinema. Such an approach, prior to configuring as a facilitator since the adaptations, becomes a challenge for filmmakers looking for in the cinema different ways to update the text mining writer, thereby founding a re­lationship between Rosean writing and memory. We will present reflections on the mode like countryman space mode, the infantile and the domestic animals are taken from the text and inserted into Mutum, by Sandra Kogut, and Animaizinhos, by Ani­ta Leandro and Elisa Almeida, the two film adaptations of the novel Campo Geral.


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