The frame Acre’s categorization and recategorization in a desnotícia referention process

  • Karine Silveira
Keywords: Frame, Recategorization, Desnotícia, Acre


This paper presents, in a sociocognitive perspective and based upon frame linguistic-conceptual approach, an analysis about the desnotícia Google nega ter apagado o Acre do serviço GoogleMaps. Our aim was reveal the frame ACRE from recatego­rizations that discourse objects had through the nominal referential expressions. Be­sides it, we check how the frame ACRE is built in its historic texts and we compare with the frame ACRE in the desnotícia. According to the semantic frame approach, the frame constitution is based upon people experiences and world knowledge. Thus, as the desnotícia is about Acre, it gets the reader conceive a frame to Acre with base upon what he/she knows about this state.


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