O Romance da Pedra do Reino: its place in history

  • PEDRO DOLABELA CHAGAS Professor da Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR, Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
Keywords: Ariano Suassuna, O Romance da Pedra do Reino, Brazilian literary history


Four structural elements of Ariano Suassuna’s “O Romance da Pedra do Reino” are described: the plot, its narrator, its meta-literary component and its relations with Brazil’s political and intellectual history. This serves as a background for its interpretation as an “encyclopedic narrative” and a “modern epic”, subgenres defined respectively by E. Mendelson and F. Moretti. We believe that its inscription in these two categories will finally clarify the place that it wanted to occupy within Brazil’s literary and cultural history at the time of its release, in 1971.


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