Water and its resonators in Luís Miguel Nava’s poetry

  • JOÃO BATISTA SANTIAGO SOBRINHO Professor doutor do Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Estado de Minas Gerais – Cefet-MG, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Keywords: Poetic prose, Poetry, Water matter, Body


This text will report investigations on water images on the poetry of the Portuguese poet Luís Miguel Nava.We have tackled a poem on his first book, Películas, from 1979. In order to accomplish it, we have employed Gaston Bachelard’s work, mainly Water and Dreams. Our analysis is focused on the poem “Nos teus ouvidos”, but it has not avoided to identify the presence of “water matter”, Bachelard’s expression, on Nava’s other poems, since it seems that water image is a recurrent element on his poetry. Images translate, on each poem, their own dynamics. They are immersed in a liquid imaginary and perform poetry of a tragic assertion of the body, which means, of life, where matters commands form. Water matter makes Navian’s poetic narrative emerge, which, by means of a verbvocovisuality, expresses vigorous water poetry.


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