Estratégias discursivas observadas na produção linguageira do jornal O Bom Ladrão como marcas do pensamento Ultramontano
This study concerns the analysis of the speech model of the ultramontane ideals, considering the newspaper "The Good Thief" as corpus. The analyses observe behavior related to discursive production according to the enunciator’s intention, consubstantiating itself from linguistic phenomenon and discursive intentionality and, therefore, denouncer of information that contribute to the perception of discursive strategies and memory of Mariana, privileged locus of ultramontane thinking in Brazil. Qualitative research was established to the extent that it is installed in multiple possibilities of looking at the observed reality, consolidating itself in a corpus of documentary order, of the written press. The mode of working was characterized as data collection. For analysis, theories related to the study of discourse were adopted, proving the possibility of relating to the language and identity practices that construct the cultural and discursive memory of the region, and the relationship between the discursive event and the ultramontane movement.
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