Teses e técnicas argumentativas sob a nova retórica em Oração aos moços, de Rui Barbosa

Keywords: Argumentation; jurist’s discourse; thesis; argumentative techniques


Argumentative process that is inside Jurist’s discourses is closely linked to discourses themselves and rhetoric, as indistinguishable elements. This way we propose to verify theses and argumentative techniques identified in the masterpiece Oração aos Moços by Rui Barbosa, and we did this under the guide lights of Argumentation Studies by Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (2014) and also based on New Rhetoric studies. We decided to develop the research by dividing object-discourse into parts according to their themes about the theses they reveal. The analysis points out to a variety of theses, from those of initial agreement to the central ones. Among the techniques, the most common used were almost-logic arguments as well as arguments based on real structure. Finally, this article brings a contribution to the studies on New Rhetoric in what is concerned to argumentative techniques. It does this through a discourse of a speaker in which he congratulates undergraduate students at the final formal ceremony of students’ course. The speaker tries to stimulate students to fight for Brazil better future, and he does this in organizing his discourse by presenting irony and sarcasm.


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