Affective cartography of the Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais
the city of Rodeiro and its relationship with the history of Cataguases in Luiz Ruffato's Inferno Provisório
From the trajectory and perceptions of poor descendant characters of Italian immigrants who transit between Rodeiro (MG), surroundings and Cataguases (MG) and by Luiz Ruffato's Inferno Provisório narratives (2016), this cartographic objective article of an agricultural space that drives migration to the city due to news and promises of social ascension. To this end, they are discussed as categories of landscape and geographical place, from the perspective of Milton Santos (2004) and Ana Fani Alessandri Carlos (2007), seeking as images and meanings of the literary geography of romantic romance, such as Michel Collot (2012). Thus, realize that these characters contribute to the literary construction of the history of the city of Cataguases and the region of Zona da Mata Mineira, promoting the visibility of this peripheral region of the state of Minas Gerais.
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