Sociocognitive processing of intertextuality: recursion as a tool for linguistic-textual analysis

  • Ev’Ângela Batista Rodrigues de Barros PUC MINAS
  • Igor Richielli Braga Campos
Keywords: Genres. Intertextuality. Interdiscursivity. Textual Linguistics. Cognitive Linguistics.


At the confluence of Textual Linguistics and Cognitive Linguistics, in a sociocognitive perspective, this exploratory study, of a qualitative nature, presents a view on the detection of aspects related to intertextuality and interdiscursivity as resulting from a cognitive competence, recursion, analogous to what occurs in the semantic linking of terms (simple or orational), linguistic elements that act as “triggers”.  As the discourses are (re)constructed in the exchange between subject-authors and subject-readers or listeners ((BAKHTIN, 2003; VOLÓCHINOV, 2018), through referencing and recategorization processes (MONDADA; DUBOIS, 2003; LIMA; CAVALCANTE, 2015, among others), discursivization is built on a cognitive relationship based on recursive processes, from a syntactic-semantic point of view, and on a socio-interactionist relationship, from a pragmatic perspective. As a result, we present a didactic expedient that can contribute to guide the teaching of interpretation of different genres, from the mapping of “trigger phrases” central to textual processing.


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