Teacher training:

mandatory workplacement during the coronavirus pandemic

  • Sofia Schemes Prodanov
  • Thami Riva
  • Lovani Volmer Universidade Feevale
Keywords: Education in the 21st century; Teaching of the Portuguese language; Teacher training.


Discussions on 21st century education and the importance of teachers in this scenario have become increasingly more present in teacher training courses. Learning and teaching have changed, due to advances in technology. Teachers and schools aim to make learning more meaningful for students, who often feel unmotivated or even incapable of learning. This study aims to reflect about the contributions of the mandatory curricular internship of Portuguese Language, which was carried out online, during the Coronavirus pandemic, for the training of the intern scholar and developing teachers. This qualitative research presents a literature review and it is supported by the training diaries, written for the preparation of the intern’s final reports. The conclusion of the internship emphasized the necessity for differentiated projects for online classes, likewise it is necessary to consider the students’ protagonism, as they become constructors of new learning through pedagogical interventions from the teacher, who mediates this process.


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