Considerations about spatial displacements in the short stories “Thonon-les-Bains”, by Orlanda Amarílis, and “Maria Altinha”, by Manuel da Fonseca

Keywords: Displacement; Violence; Subalternization.


Recognizing the importance of space for the construction of characters and for the understanding of actions within the narrative, we will present, in our research, some considerations about the spatial displacements presented in the short stories “Thonon-les-Bains”, by Orlanda Amarílis, and “Maria Altinha”, by Manuel da Fonseca. Our objective is to comparatively approach these two works, focusing on the negative consequences caused by these displacements in the characters' lives. We will highlight some points of approximation between the stories of Piedade and Maria Altinha, protagonists of the stories of Amarílis and Fonseca, respectively. They are: the need to leave in search of better living conditions for the family; the difficulties faced, as they are economically underprivileged women, in male-dominated environments; and the violence of which both are victims.


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