O “Triunfo Eucharistico” e a “Arte Retorica" na festa barroca (Vila Rica, 1733)
A orientação persuasiva na "Previa Alocutoria", de Simão Ferreira Machado
In this article, we examine aspects of the booklet “Triunfo Eucharistico - exemplar da cris tandade lusitana”, in which Simão Ferreira Machado narrates the first Baroque Feast in the mining region, in the Capitania of Minas, on the occasion of the transfer of the Most Holy Sacrament from the church of Senhora do Rosário dos Pretos to the new temple of Senhora do Pilar, in Vila Rica, 1733. The emphasis is on the examination of the “Previa Allocutoria” - the presentation section of the work, under the prism of Aristotle's Arte Retórica, and discourse theories such as Semiolinguistics (CHARAUDEAU, 2006 and 2022) and Argumentation (PERELMAN E OLBRECHTS-TYTECA, 1996). In view of the observation about his persuasive orientation, we seek to understand two issues: the first, how does the persuasive orientation occurs in relation to the sociodiscursive imaginaries mobilized by the narrator; the second, how he constitutes his audience or readership, as the ideal addressee of the story. We realize that, besides religious persuasion – which would be expressed in the relationship between “religious authority” and “devotees” – there are other relevant elements, such as the social configuration itself and the mobilization of imaginaries of “truth” or “revelation”, as political, doctrinal and ideological precepts.Downloads
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