A literatura intimista frente aos dilemas do engajamento

uma análise dos romances Quarup e Pessach: a travessia

Keywords: Cony, Callado, Literature, Engagement, Intimist Literature


In this article, I will analyze two pieces of Brazilian literature well known for their engaged themes: Quarup and Pessach: a travessia, both published in 1967 and often associated with the search for the socialist revolution in Brazil. Their respective authors, Antonio Callado and Carlos Heitor Cony, became notable at the beginning of their careers for constructing narratives that were intimate and psychological in nature. However, in the mid-1960s, they incorporated into their style themes well valued by the revolutionary left-wing party, such as engaging in armed struggle. It is possible that they made these new aesthethic choices driven both by the similar shifts they experienced in the journalistic field after the 1964 coup, and by the
pressure from a public that consumed engaged art that had been taking shape for a few years. Thus, it may be possible to understand these books as fictional representations of quandaries faced by the left-wing groups during that period, rather than prescriptions of revolutionary formulas.


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