A hiper-ficcionalidade no pensamento de Derrida
If one can’t find a privilege granted to art in Derrida’s thought, we could talk about a kind of hyper-fictionality or about a generalization of the fictional in deconstruction. The dissemination of a certain fictional potency makes to slide well definite borders contaminating neutral and supposedly universal speeches. The contamination of the philosophical speech, for example, by a kind of fictionality, compels it to deal with a possible fragility in its beddings, when disclosing a common base to the artistic speeches: the fact to be both a construction. In this way, Derrida questions the structure of the “as such” of philosophical concepts considering a reading to them from the structure of “as if” - that would be the structure of all speeches, but that would only be assumed by the speeches of art - making them say more and opening them for a radical alterity.