
ressonâncias kafkianas em Modesto Carone

  • Rita de Cássia Silva Dionísio
Keywords: Modesto Carone, Franz Kafka, Gerard Genette, translation, transtextuality, fictional creation


Franz Kafka (1883 – 1924, Austria), Czech writer of German language, according to diverse critics he is the author of the most important literary writings of the XX century, wrote, among others, A Metamorfose (1915) e O Processo (1925) - considered his masterpiece. Modesto Carone (1937 – Sorocaba, São Paulo), literary critical, translator, short story teller, writer knew and commended by critical published two literary critical books and five fiction books among them are As marcas do real (1979), Resumo de Ana (1998) e Por trás dos vidros (2007), he concluded recently the translation of all Kafka fiction directly from German to Portuguese. To Carone his work like fictionist is completely related to his activity like translator and literary critical and the combined of his literary life only is complete with Kafka writings, of whom have assimilated the dry, bureaucratic and protocol language. In this communication, from the concept of transtextuality by Gerard Genette, it intends to reflect about the Kafka’s resonances in Carone’s narratives, considering the influence of the translator experience of him like a way of up date and renew the literary writings of the Czech writer.
bureaucratic and protocol language. In this communication, from the concept of transtextuality
