O que nos faz pensar?

Heidegger, Deleuze e a filosofia do cinema

  • Susana Viegas
Keywords: Deleuze, Film Philosophy, Heidegger, Kurosawa


What makes us think was one of the main philosophical problems shared by Martin Heidegger and Gilles Deleuze, although the criticism that the late made to the essentialist genealogical method of the first. In this essay, my aim is to analyse the impact that the text "What Calls for Thinking?", a lecture course that Heidegger gave between 1951-1952, had in Deleuze's philosophical thought, in particular in his film philosophy. According to Deleuze, cinema has the ability to make us think through the chock that some images provoke in thought: these involuntary origin is fundamental towards a distinction between thinking and philosophizing, a central distinction both in Heidegger and Deleuze.
