O gênio kantiano e o caráter inesgotável da arte
In § 46 of the Critique of Judgment, when dealing with the artistic beauty Kant claims to be caracteristic of the artist the talent of genius. According to the author, such talent would be something that is natural to him and through which art would acquire a new rule without the need to be guided by prescriptive models, having as consequence the claim that fine arts must necessarily be regarded as arts of genius. Later , in § 49, Kant also assigns to the genius the ability to expose in his works what he calls Aesthetic Ideas, which are also obtained by the artist in a natural way and which have as their main feature the possibility of not being completely included in a concept. Thus, the purpose of this paper consist in showing that it is through the presentation of aesthetic ideas that the artist endowed with genius confers freedom to his work in relation to previous rules and inexhaustibility of meanings, justifying the necessity that Kant claims to exist between fine arts and genius.