A contradoutrina dionisíaca

arte e filosofia em Nietzsche

  • Vinícius Renaud
Keywords: Dionysian counter-doctrine, Tragic, Nihilism


Nietzsche stands as one of the most critical thinkers regarding metaphysical philosophical tradition. His reading of the history of thought holds in an interpretation that brings Platonism, Christianism and modernity as an axis of support to a particular manifestation of the will to power: the will to truth. From the predominant element in this tradition, Nietzsche comes as a result of what he calls the event "death of God" and its resulting nihilism. However, if nihilism is, on the one hand, the result of the decay of the traditional model of thought and civilization, on the other, is also the possibility of experiencing another philosophical experience. To accomplish the crossing of nihilism as opportunity, Nietzsche needed to coin a counter-doctrine, the author came to call "Dionysian". In this sense, his philosophy is presented as an artistic philosophy and directed experimentation.
