Herbert Marcuse e Georges Bataille em paralelo
a questão das incompatibilidades entre arte (cultura) e mundo do trabalho (civilização)
This paper aims to address the convergence between the thought of Herbert Marcuse and Georges Bataille regarding the theme of the tension between the spheres of culture / art and civilization / world of work. One hopes here scoring issues as to both authors, the universe of psychic and spiritual aspirations of the world of culture and art relates to the universe of the necessity of maintaining the general life and the common good. To realize the convergences between these authors, we take the notion of "affirmative culture' and "aesthetic form" according to Marcuse's thought, insofar as it affirms a separation and opposition between two spheres of men's existence, the scope of desires and longings of the soul and the scope of the maintenance arrangements and material practices. We will take, on the other hand, the notions of Georges Bataille about incompatibilities between the world of work, in which men are legislated by a logic of efficiency and usefulness, and the world of an authentic existence, sovereign and insubordinate, when the universe is pure artistic expression, especially literary.