A crítica ao antropomorfismo nos Diálogos de Hume
The objective of this paper is to present the critics from Demea and Filo to the anthropomorphism of Cleantes in Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion. First, we will assess whether the anthropomorphic-naturalist alternative will be able to show us the need for a super-intelligent-agent to justify the natural order. Next, we will assess Filo's criticisms based on the cause and effect principle. We will determine that (i) the anthropomorphic-naturalist alternative defiles the image of God, and that (ii) the natural course seems to dispense with the anthropomorphic-theistic hypothesis. As a result, we will see if Filo's naturalist alternative for explaining the origin and regularity of the universe's functioning will come to a successful conclusion.
Key words: Hume, Naturalism, Anthropomorphism, Abrahamic Theism, Design Argument, Natural Theology.