Sexo e gênero
em torno da justificação da ética
This article aims to locate a place for gender ethics, as a branch of practical ethics. The method to support this hypothesis starts from the analysis of normative and metaethical ethical assumptions in both feminist ethics variants and gender theories. In this way, feminist ethics are discussed regarding the problems and methods they assume, together with their normativist or descriptivist claims. The moral epistemology, therefore, will serve as support to highlight how normative questions are assumed by any theory that wants to respond ethically to the problems raised by them, which will result in the delimitation of a scope for a particular gender ethics.
Keywords: ethics, gender, feminism, metaethics, epistemology, philosophy.
How to Cite
Mauricio da Silva, F. (2021). Sexo e gênero: em torno da justificação da ética. Fundamento, (19), 1-48. Retrieved from