Uma teoria platônica do amor?
Gregory Vlastos e o Banquete de Platão
There are two major paradigms in the interpretation of ancient philosophers: the analytical and the structural. Despite their particularities, they agree that philosophy is mainly a matter of theses, arguments and discourse, which leads them to ignore extra-discursive aspects of the texts. But if ancient philosophy is also, as Pierre Hadot pointed out, a way of life, this type of reading will have its limitations. I try here to consider these limitations with a discussion of Gregory Vlastos' thesis that there would be, in the Symposium (and other dialogues), a platonic theory of love, arguing that this dialogue is not a treatise on love, but a proteptic text about philosophy and the role that love has in its journey.
How to Cite
Brandão, B. (2021). Uma teoria platônica do amor? Gregory Vlastos e o Banquete de Platão. Fundamento, (21), 1-14. Retrieved from