An analysis of the concept of christian belief in Slavoj Žižek

  • Fabiano Veliq PUC Minas


This article aims to analyze the concept of Christian belief addressed by Slavoj Žižek in his book “On belief” published in Brazil in 2012. Such a Žižekian proposal points to a central theme of the criticism that Žižek does to Christianity and works as a foundation for what Žižek would later call “materialist theology”. Such žižekian proposal points to a central theme of the criticism that Žižek makes to Christianity and functions as a foundation for what Žižek would later call materialist theology. Our article shows that Žižek's analysis of Christian belief presupposes the idea that at the heart of Christian experience would be the realization that there is nothing beyond the material world, that is, there is nothing or no one for the subject may appeal, therefore, Christian belief in Žižek's proposal is the founding act of a materialist worldview.


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How to Cite
Veliq, F. (2024). An analysis of the concept of christian belief in Slavoj Žižek. Fundamento, (23), 1-13. Retrieved from