The myth of Medea and the contemporary “moral diaspora”:

social practices of female enclosure

  • Mariana Rocha Bernardi Universidade de Caxias do Sul
Keywords: Imaginary; myth; motherhood; misogyny; ethics


A brief essay on the relationship between the myth of Medea and its connection to contemporary social organization, encompassing social imagination, motherhood, and power dynamics between men and women, with the aim of understanding the various forms of female confinement that result in what we will call 'moral diaspora.' This essay is developed from theoretical frameworks, including insights from studies on the imagination and Jungian psychoanalysis.


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How to Cite
Rocha Bernardi, M. (2024). The myth of Medea and the contemporary “moral diaspora”: : social practices of female enclosure. Fundamento, (22), 64-75. Retrieved from