Science, theology and pandemic
Some considerations in dialogue with Paul Tilich and Martin Heidegger
This research seeks to analyze the situation of the pandemic in the contemporary scenario, considering the perspective of science and theology on this fact. The pandemic raises a number of questions. Especially, existential questions arise as well as theodicies. The memory of the origin of evil is present, but, on the other hand, hope emerges in the midst of the crisis. What should Christian theology accomplish in the face of the pandemic situation? This is one of the questions that this research proposes to reflect. Therefore, it seeks to highlight the role of modern science and theology in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic in the technological era. It will, therefore, seek to dialogue with theology, philosophy and some scientific considerations to reflect on the situation of the pandemic and human existence in the face of it. Thus, this research follows a dialogical hermeneutic method and a methodology of bibliographic research for thematic analysis, considering, especially, the dialogue with the theologian of culture Paul Tillich and with the philosopher of “Being” Martin Heidegger.
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