Podcasting and cultural consumption

  • Gisela Castro
Palavras-chave: communication and media studies, cyberculture, cultural consumption, podcasting


This paper discusses podcasting and its implications within the emergence of
new forms of content production and consumption in cyberculture. As we reflect upon
the effects of digital media in ongoing modifications in human sensibility and cognition,
the article examines the uses of podcasting, from producers’, users’, and sponsors’
points of view. It analyzes possible continuities and discontinuities with traditional
media, as well as specific aspects that contribute to consolidate the growing popularity
of podcasts in the contemporary cultural scene.


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Como Citar
Castro, G. (2024). Podcasting and cultural consumption. Radiofonias – Revista De Estudos Em Mídia Sonora , 15(1). https://doi.org/10.63234/radiofonias.v15i1.7301
Dossiê Pioneirismo nos estudos em podcasting