Radio and Panic, 1998: in the analysis of the Martian invasion, the first network research experience

  • Eduardo Meditsch Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
Keywords: Radio and Panic; The War of the Worlds; Intercom Radio WG; Research Network; 1998


The article recovers the memory of the production, results and context of the first network research carried out by the Intercom Radio Work Group, in 1998, which also resulted in the publication of their first collective book. The analysis of the radio theater play The War of the Worlds, directed by Orson Welles and broadcasted by the CBS network in the United States, carried out by the GT on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the show that caused panic among listeners, marked a qualitative leap in the GT's life, which started to operate also in a network based on collectively defined scientific objectives.


MEDITSCH, Eduardo. (org.) Rádio e Pânico: a Guerra dos Mundos 60 anos depois. Florianópolis: Insular, 1998
MEDITSCH, Eduardo. (org.) Rádio e Pânico 2: a guerra dos mundos, 75 anos depois. Florianópolis: Insular, 2013
ZAREMBA, Lilian; BENTES, Ivana (orgs.) Rádio Nova: constelações da radiofonia contemporânea. Rio de Janeiro: Publique-UFRJ, 1996
How to Cite
Meditsch, E. (2021). Radio and Panic, 1998: in the analysis of the Martian invasion, the first network research experience. Radiofonias – Journal of Audio Media Studies, 12(2), 135-153. Retrieved from
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