Female voices in sound media
The intersections between work and gender relations in podcast and radio
This article starts from an approach between the radio and the podcast, not only as sound media, but also regarding the power relations based on gender. Based on the socio historical path of sound media, we understand that the presence of women as sender and receiver is evident, although the gender inequalities also are. The optimistic tone which emerges when it is assured that the podosphaera has more and more feminine voices is destabilized when it is observed the obstacles faced by women producers dealing with their jobs. In this context we propose an empirical research with podcasters women. Through in-depth interviews, we have listened to 17 women who have volunteered to participate in this study, selected based on their podcasts, pointed as the ones with the biggest audience by PodPesquisa 2018. As main result, We have noticed that those women find ways to broadcast their products and valorize other women voices, especially by # in digital environments. Furthermore, although they are leaders of podcasts with an audience, most of them don’t get paid for their work and point to gender issues as the response for the obstacles which keep women away from the podosphaera.
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