A Indústria Fonográfica Digital

Formação, lógica e tendências

  • Julia Ourique UERJ


In his second book, A Indústria Fonográfica Digital: Formação, lógica e tendências (Rio de Janeiro/Brazil, 2023), Professor Leonardo De Marchi provides a thorough analysis of the ever-changing landscape of the music industry in the digital age, as it moves towards the post-streaming phase. Clearly and succinctly, the author exposes the tensions between major companies and independent artists, emphasizing the importance of developing public policies regarding labor precarization in the music industry and copyright issues. The book also offers a perspective on the possible directions that the music industry and its stakeholders may take in the future, including the integration of AI in music production through its regulation. De Marchi provides readers with a critical and insightful analysis, offering valuable insights for those interested in the transformations and the future of the phonographic industry.


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DE MARCHI, Leonardo. A Indústria Fonográfica Digital: Formação, lógica e tendências. Rio de Janeiro (Brasil): Mauad X, 2023.

SEIBERT, Katarina. Personalization or prejudice? A critical analysis of music streaming culture. 2022. 24 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Program of Science Recording Arts, Western Colorado University, Denver, 2022. Disponível em: . Acesso em 29 out. 2023.
How to Cite
Ourique, J. (2024). A Indústria Fonográfica Digital: Formação, lógica e tendências. Radiofonias – Journal of Audio Media Studies, 15(1). Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufop.br/radiofonias/article/view/7108