João Batista de Abreu: Behind the scenes of resistance to radio censorship
The article invites you to travel back in time during the dictatorship in Brazil, when prior censorship made it difficult to obtain information and established contradictory criteria for broadcasting news in the media, especially audiovisual news. The text deals with the three most common types of censorship: official, internal and self-censorship, in which the newsroom itself refuses to cover cases seen as sensitive in the eyes of the military regime. Documents from the journalism management of Rádio Jornal do Brasil requested the intermediation of organisations in defence of democracy, such as the Brazilian Press Association, to establish negotiations with the federal agencies in order to at least indicate the name of the police officer who communicated the ban by telephone and the number of the device, since there were still no call tracking devices.
ALMEIDA, Alda. Os menestréis da Idade Média como precursores da reportagem, projeto de dissertação de mestrado submetido ao programa de pós-graduação em Comunicação e Cultura da UFRJ
BLOCH, Marc. A apologia da História, Rio de Janeiro, Zahar, 2002
Documentos internos sobre a censura produzidos pela chefe do Departamento de Jornalismo da Rádio Jornal dso Brasil, na Ana Maria Machado, e pelo editor do turno da tarde, Rosental Calmon Alves, maio de 1978
Documento interno sobre a ação da censura (1972-1975) produzido pelo secretário de redação do Jornal do Brasil, jornalista José Silveira
GARGUREVICH, Juan. Los pregoneros en Lima Virreinal. In: Margarita Guerra; Rafael Sánchez-Concha (orgs.). Homenaje a José Antonio del Busto Duthurburu. Lima: Fondo Editorial PUC-Perú, 2012, p. 457-480.