The control of radio in the Vargas and Salazar regimes

  • Erivelto Amarante UFPR
Keywords: Authoritarian regimes, Media control, Radio, Getúlio Vargas, António Salazar


Izani Mustafá's work, titled “The political use of radio by the dictators Getúlio Vargas and António Salazar – 1930-1945”, presents a detailed comparative analysis in five chapters of the role of radio as a propaganda tool in the authoritarian regimes of Vargas (Brazil) and Salazar (Portugal). The book, published in 2024 by Insular Publishing, is based on the author's doctoral thesis and offers a robust work that combines the rigor of historical research with a critical approach to media control mechanisms in dictatorial regimes.


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MUSTAFÁ, Izani. O uso político do rádio pelos ditadores Getúlio Vargas e António Salazar – 1930-1945. Florianópolis: Insular, 2024.
How to Cite
Amarante, E. (2024). The control of radio in the Vargas and Salazar regimes. Radiofonias – Journal of Audio Media Studies, 15(2), 129-140. Retrieved from