Physical exercise prescription for health and quality of life in areas affected by dam construction

  • Yan Souza Nakata Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
  • Isadora Ribeiro Santos
  • Siomara Aparecida da Silva
  • Aisllan Diego Assis
Keywords: Health, Quality of life, Physical Exercise, Chronic diseases


One of the mobilizing activities for improving and achieving well-being, particularly health, is physical exercise prescribed by a Physical Education professional. In this perspective, a study was conducted to find the best space for practice that would be easily accessible to the interested population in the district of Antônio Pereira, a territory affected by mining activities. Promotion through partnerships with the Basic Health Unit (UBS) and the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) reached a group of 16 individuals with various comorbidities, including hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, rheumatism, and joint problems, for functional training practices near the CRAS. Residents who embraced the practice sought not only motor benefits but also the socialization that physical activities provide. Furthermore, participants reported improvements in physical health throughout the project. However, we hope for the continuity of the program, aiming to reach more people and achieve better results, with periodic physical assessments. This will enable us to correlate the benefits of physical activity with the physical and mental health of the territory's residents, and the integration of Physical Education into collective health.


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How to Cite
Souza Nakata, Y., Santos, I. R., Silva, S. A. da, & Assis, A. D. (2024). Physical exercise prescription for health and quality of life in areas affected by dam construction. Além Dos Muros Da Universidade, 9(2), 13-22. Retrieved from