Pereira.lab: possible impacts on the offer of robotics and it workshops to elementary education students within schools and spontaneously in external environments

  • Daniel Augusto Magalhães
  • Ana Luísa Silva Cortezão
  • Fábio Marcos Procópio Filho
  • Alessandro Victor Pereira Brito
  • Gabriel Lobo
  • Hugo Rafael Nogueira Gomes
  • Viviane de Paula Silva
  • Sílvia Grasiella Moreira Almeida IFMG - Campus Ouro Preto
  • Aisllan Diego Assis
Keywords: educational robotics, applied informatics, technological extension, training, Pereira.Lab!


In response to the demand for robotics, programming, and computer education in the Antônio Pereira community in Ouro Preto, UFOP and IFMG built Pereira.Lab! between 2020 and 2023. The activities are presented in this work. The Covid-19 pandemic social isolation period was used for planning actions to be implemented in person as soon as possible. In 2022, the first year of in-person operation, workshops targeting specific audiences began. Robotics and computer education were offered to adolescents, while computer literacy targeted adults. In 2023, the focus shifted to students from two public schools: robotics for elementary school and computer literacy for high school students. Lego WeDo 2.0® kits were used for robotics, the® platform for programming, and the Microsoft Office® suite for computer literacy. As a result, in addition to the educational programs, a laboratory equipped with computers, mobile devices, and robotics kits was delivered to the community.


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How to Cite
Magalhães, D. A., Cortezão, A. L. S., Procópio Filho, F. M., Brito, A. V. P., Lobo, G., Gomes, H. R. N., Silva, V. de P., Moreira Almeida, S. G., & Assis, A. D. (2024). Pereira.lab: possible impacts on the offer of robotics and it workshops to elementary education students within schools and spontaneously in external environments. Além Dos Muros Da Universidade, 9(2), 32-39. Retrieved from