Geraldo Viramundo: the great madman

  • Maraiza Almeida Ruiz De Castro
Keywords: Carnavalization, O Grande Mentecapto, Antihero


The aim of this article is to analyze the complexity and the ambivalence of Geraldo Viramundo, protagonist of the novel O Grande Mentecapto, by Fernando Sabino. In this analysis, we will discuss the character´s identities and masks in addition to his deviant behavior, his physical grotesque figure and unusual speech. Thus, it will be possible to show that O Grande Mentecapto is a work that joins to the carnivalized literary tradition, because it has a multifaceted protagonist that, through his critical perception, reveals the absurdity of the situations and the struggle for freedom and for human dignity. Therefore, Geraldo Viramundo brings the inversions, the comic prin­ciple and the critical and renewing view of carnavalized antiheroes. Bakhtin’s studies (1999), regarding to the carnivalization, will mainly be used for this discussion.


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