Odorico Mendes and the poetic translation of Virgil

  • Paulo Sérgio de Vasconcellos Departamento de Linguística do IEL, Unicamp.
Keywords: Odorico Mendes, tradução poética, Virgílio


The paper focuses on Manuel Odorico Mendes’ translations of Greek and Latin poetry, with an emphasis on some key passages from his translations of Virgil. The paper highlights the Brazilian translator’s efforts to preserve the semantic specificities of the original language and to recreate in Portuguese certain effects of sound and rhythm, thereby challenging the widely-held belief that poetry is untranslatable in poetic form. 


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Author Biography

Paulo Sérgio de Vasconcellos, Departamento de Linguística do IEL, Unicamp.
Professor do Departamento de Linguistica do IEL, Unicamp.


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