Textual production in high school and the treatment of linguistic variation
Understanding linguistic variation as a phenomenon that permeates all native language activities, the aim of this research was to investigate how this phenomenon is treated in textual production activities of a Portuguese language textbook aimed at the 1st year of high school. The theoretical foundation presents its bases in works of the area of Educational Sociolinguistics (BAGNO, 2007a, 2007b, 2013, 2017; BORTONI-RICARDO, 2004). For the research, the textbook “Português: trilhas e tramas” (SETTE et al., 2016)”, present in the PNLD 2018, was select, and (1) the “Teacher's Manual”; (2) chapter 17, “Linguistic varieties”; and (3) the six textual production activities of oral and written genres present in the textbook were analyzed. From these analyzes, the maintenance of two stereotyped relationships was observed, namely, writing language and the privileged norm, and spoken language and linguistic variation.
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