A proficiência do professor de inglês como LE: os documentos oficiais brasileiros e a especificidade da proficiência do professor
The National Brazilian Directives for the Letters undergraduate programs were published in 2001 assuring autonomy for the Letters courses to produce their documents. Considering that teaching a foreign language is specific, and requires different proficiency levels (FREEMAN et al., 2015), we intend to discuss some aspects of language proficiency, teachers’ language proficiency, as well as the proficiency profile required by the National Brazilian Directives for the Letters courses. The methodology combines bibliographic research based on authors who analyze proficiency, and documentary research addressing the National Brazilian Directives for the Letters courses. The results showed that: 1. the teachers’ language proficiency is not taken into account effectively in the documents; 2. if on the one hand the National Brazilian Directives for the Letters courses do not have specifications about the language teachers’ language proficiency, on the other hand, they grant universities autonomy to define specific directives.
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