As canções como unidade de ensino na sala de aula de Francês como Língua Estrangeira
The article seeks to investigate the contributions of songs to the teaching and learning of FLE. And more specifically: Identify song contributions to the teaching and learning of FLE; Analyze and prove the expansion of cultural and linguistic elements from the work with the songs; Relate work with songs to playfulness and FLE classroom interaction. Therefore, it intends to develop a qualitative research through the collection of bibliographic-descriptive data, since it is intended to interpret the obtained data with an inductive focus, in order to prove the points proposed in the objectives of this work. The bibliographic review demonstrates that music develops aspects related to language as well as cognitive aspects, which is a tool that, therefore, brings contributions to the teaching and learning of FLE, expands the student's cultural and linguistic elements and, also, provides playfulness and interaction in the classroom.
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