Traduire Carolina Maria de Jesus
This text is devoted to the analysis of the French and English translations of Carolina Maria de Jesus' book, Quarto de despejo. This diary of a mother of three children living in the Canindé favela in São Paulo in the 1950s was a worldwide success by revealing the terrible living conditions of those excluded from Brazilian metropolises. But the emphasis on its sociological dimension in the translations may have obscured part of the work's uniqueness, due in particular to the personality and style of the author. The article therefore examines certain characteristics of translations published in the 1960s, offering a critique and translation alternatives based on taking into account the personal dimension of the work.
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TOLEDO, Christine Vieira Soares. Carolina Maria de Jesus : a escrita de si. Letrônica. vol. 3, n°1, p. 247-257, 2010.
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